This term was invented by rapper "lil pp" in 2021. It can used to reiterate that an individual is glitching or not behaving properly. It doesn't have to be due to a narcotic substance, however, codeine is in the phrase to symbolize the "trippy" feeling it has said to give off. Lil pp does mention throughout his career that he doesn't endorse narcotics and matter of fact stays far away from them.
Ethan: *laughs like a chicken*
Tarkh: "dUdE your trippin on the CoDeInE!"
1👍 1👎
This term was invented by rapper "lil pp" in 2020. It is a synonym or alias referring to the male sexual organ, the penis. The term is used in an informal manner and derives from a root informal term: cock.
Azreen: Woah that's a massive mcglockin-cockin
Parth: I know right!