Source Code

West Virginia

We're not Virginia.

I don't know why I'm still in West Virginia. I'm 28 years old.

by lis May 29, 2003

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A combination of grill and flobble.. or grilled seamen

You smell like grillflobble

by lis September 30, 2004

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wet slap

When you get water on your hand and slap someone in the face, because not only does it get their face wet but it also makes an excellent sound.

John was pissing me off on the way to school so I put my hand in a rain puddle and wet slapped him.

by lis June 11, 2005

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a scary person, usually male...

You fearlord!!
Jeremy Beadle is a fearlord...

by lis February 6, 2004

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Awesome in the extreme.

Dude!! Have you seen that new theme park?? It is so awesomefresh!

by lis June 5, 2005

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Dylan is a male name,

he can be the biggest asshole
but he can also be the biggest sweet heart if he wants to.
Dylans usually has brown eyes and his usually handsome.
Joseph is his middle name.
Dylans like long relationships and have the tendency of being complete dicks in the begining of the relationship and is in a 2 year one right now with a girl name Laura(;
Dylans change for somebody they love and they would do anything to see their girl smile.

Avery: Is Laura still dating Dylan?
Emily: Yeah I don't know how she deals with it.
Avery: His such a sweet heart though, I can't stand them being together, I want him for myself !
Emily: Have fun with that haha they've been together for 2 years..

by lis October 13, 2014

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hoi ya

an expression of suprise anger or frusturation...

what are you doing? HOI YA

by lis March 15, 2004

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