The Tonkovski method is an unexplainable phenomena that occurs when someone says or does something that is the optimal blend of funny, sexy and cute.
"I'm pretty sure we'd make the best teamâlike coffee and mornings. Want to 'espresso' ourselves together all night long?" OMG, the Tonkovski method strikes again!
When your little gal is a carbon copy of you, her mom, and you seriously look at her and wonder if you had a baby with yourself. Not just appearance, she acts exactly like you, including all the snarky, sarcastic, and annoying things about you. She is the lower case mama.
Did you see Poppy flip the ole' bird to that old man trying to tell her what to do? She is 100% your lower case mama.
When someone kills you with an unnecessarily long response to a question, reply to an email, or rebuttal to an arguement. They are bombing you with words until you concede or go away.
Bradley, I asked how your date was last night. I don't need you bombsplaining me with your dating history over the last 7 years.