To go out after forgetting to apply deoderant, and ending up smelling like a homeless hooker in the middle of a fish market.
1st person: Hey there, how are you? Oh christ, you smell awful!
2nd person: What do you mean... oh shit, I'm barlikk!
to be not quite camp enough to be considered fully gay.
he couldn't be considered for election onto the gay community committee, after failing the gay "camp test" which showed, that after all of that hand waving, he was only subgay.
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for 7 males to join together in one glorious climax. usually spadging on a ladies' thogg, stay puft style.
i saw peeing gay last night. it was wicked!
on that film i just watched, there was a peeing gay scene and they all had mansarino members!
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a term for masterbation.
Jane was well chuffed. She'd secretly fancied Andy from a distance for over a year, and they were eventually going on that all important 1st date. She was thinking of putting out, but after walking into the bathroom in Andy's parents house before the date, caught Andy having a pussle. Realising that Andy was hoping for some action from her later on, she changed her mind like a hypocritical bint and storm out before the date had even become. Andy, what a guy.
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for something to be hard, or tough.
can be used to describe an object or a persons hardness.
derived from the olde english word cunné.
he's well crunné
i got a massive crunné-on when i saw her bovobuar thogg.
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To be vague, can mean anything.
1st person: I'd like to buy a computer game.
2nd person: Which game?
1p: I don't know
2p: Well, what system?
1p: I don't know, the disc just goes in and it works.
2p: Ah! You want a sprodgley biggboggé!
To play mind games with someone.
Before the match started, he accused them of fielding 14 players, whilst refusing to count them. He was just having a dirguson.