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Kenyon College

A school where diversity is internal, and if ever external, it is defined by a bright colored plaid shirt as opposed to a bland grey one. People are quirky, yet pretentious and the girls are infamously unattractive. Beer googles are a must for everyone on a Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday night. Professors drink and smoke with students all the while discussing the latest underground bands and their impression on popular culture. Anthropology is the easiest major at Kenyon, but English is most widely declared. The football team sucks.

Artur: What's your major?
Jesika: Well, I just declared English with a minor in Russian and an emphasis with on Sociology in Comparative Perspective.

Artur: Kenyon College?

John: What's your favorite play?
Alan: Ot-ello.
John: Othello.
Alan: Yes, Ot-ello.

by liverloverx40 November 14, 2010

62👍 46👎