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Sexopedia is defined as a book that is dedicated to sex, or making a better sex life for a couple. It may include sexual positions of every sort, techniques, places (etc.) A good example is the Kama Sutra.

Josh and Melissa are reading their Sexopedia to learn some new positions.

by loafenator February 26, 2009

24👍 8👎


Gaydean, (Gay-dean); Is a young boy, or one who is within a few years, or in puberty. Who is showing signs of possible homosexuality. Ultra sensitive, cries easily, Mama's boy, and/or shows signs of liking men, will possibly turn out gay.

Mitchell still sleeps in the bed with his mom because he is scared, he is such a Gaydean.

Larry's favorite movie is Hairspray and he is only 12! He is a total Gaydean.

Cordell is drooling over sweaty wrestlers again, I think he is a Gaydean.

by loafenator February 26, 2009

30👍 4👎

Fee Fee

Invented in prison, a "Fee Fee" towel folded twice with the open end of a rubber glove sticking out. After being rolled, the end of the glove is then stretched over the top. Then it is finished by pulling a sock over the opposing end to hold the glove in place. Can then be ran under warm water or placed in between mattresses to create a "real life" effect.

Joey was sent to prison, after not having relations with a woman for some time, his cell mate made him a Fee Fee.

by loafenator February 26, 2009

329👍 140👎

Turtle Fucker

A name that is given to any older man, or woman that is hindering your speed, whether you are driving, walking, running (etc.).It is not uncommon for them to possess horrible driving skills, and driving through banks, salons, grocery stores, and gas stations happens more often than not.

Driver: I am going to be late, get out of my way Turtle Fucker!

Grocery Shopper: Move you damn Turtle Fucker and quit staring at the laxatives, it's not that damn hard to decide!

Grocery Shopper #2: It shouldn't take that long to write a check, get some glasses Turtle Fucker!

Grocery Shopper #3: Damn-it Turtle Fucker, no it isn't cheaper than that, quit getting price checks!

Betty drove into the gas station and injured the clerk because she is a Turtle Fucker.

by loafenator February 28, 2009

19👍 8👎

Pussy Do

A woman who is obese, overweight, or big enough that her belly sticks out until she can't see her vagina. Therefore, her belly sticks out more than her Pussy Do!!!

That girl is so fat her belly sticks out more than her pussy do.
Brooke is a member of the Pussy Do club.
Lynn is a total pussy do.

by loafenator February 26, 2009

18👍 8👎


A woman who is obese, overweight, or big enough that her belly sticks out until she can't see her vagina. Therefore, her belly sticks out more than her Pussy-Do!!!

That girl is so fat her belly sticks out more than her pussy-do.
Brooke is a member of the Pussy-Do club.
Lynn is a total pussy-do.

by loafenator February 26, 2009

14👍 10👎