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double standard

A concept that permits and excuses certain behaviors and actions from one group but violently opposes the same actions from another.

For example.

A bitchy self serving controlling female who steps all over men and uses them for her own selfish benefits is considered a STRONG WOMAN.


A self serving controlling man who steps all over women and uses them for his own selfish benefits is considered a MALE CHAUVINIST PIG.

A black comedian whose entire act is poking fun at the way white people talk, walk, dress, dance, & act is a comic genius who gets rewarded millions a year and is catapulted into fame and stardom.


A white comedian who pokes fun at the way black people walk, talk, dress, and act is a racist pig who will get booed off the stage and his career is forever tarnished.

Woman: "I chose not to get married or have kids to pursue a career."

Feminist: "You go girl. So glad to see a fellow sister stand on her own two feet and maintain her independence and individuality and not submit herself to the oppressive patriarchy"

Woman: "Why thank you. I also heard that Eddie also decided not to get married or have kids to pursue his career".

Feminist: "What's wrong with him? Afraid of commitment? Too irresponsible to be a father? So shallow that he puts money and a career above having a family?"

Woman: (Thinking to herself) "Hmm isn't that a double standard?"

by locksmithite July 11, 2008

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