A show on Cartoon Network produced by Rebecca Sugar, the first female producer in CN history. It's about a boy named Steven who's twelve-ish and lives with three deities called the Crystal Gems, aptly named Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. He himself is a Crystal Gem due to his mother Rose Quartz sacrificing her physical form to birth him. He also has a dad who lives in a van and runs a car wash. He learns how to use his powers by going with the Gems whenever they need to save the Earth from destruction. Garnet is the serious one, Amethyst is the wild one, and Pearl is the responsible one. Despite their differences, they all love Steven the same and treat him like their son. This show is beautiful and amazing and should never be compared to the likes of Uncle Grandpa and Teen Titans Go. It has a real plot and the characters are evolving more and more. It doesn't have the stupid comedy style of Adventure Time (making up words and using nonsensical words as slang); what makes this show special is that it can be funny without "trying" to be funny. Easily CN's best show.
Steven Universe is the only thing that keeps me on Cartoon Network these days.
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The company that makes all those shitty fighting games that you'll never beat. Somehow believes that by making their games as unfair as possible people will like them.
Guy 1: Have you played SNK's Art of Fighting 2?
Guy 2: ...........Don't ever say those words again.
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Recycling, but for the entertainment industry. A stupid, cheap, lazy way to make money. Simply take something that already exists from years ago... and resell it! Do the bare minimum to modernize it, like change a few words in the script and adjust it for modern-day sensibilities, and then sit back and let the money roll in. Somehow, this works.
"Disney's on a roll lately with their live action remakes!"
"Yeah, it takes an extreme level of talent to throw darts at a board of their existing properties, instead of actually... you know, thinking of something new."
Something that, at some point in history, used to be funny, but now it's just either committing a crime or public harassment. "Pranks" nowadays tend to be provoking passersby, trespassing, vandalism, theft, assault, things that would typically get you thrown in jail... but you call it a "prank" and somehow expect to be magically exonerated. The only thing worse is when the perpetrator gets glorified on Youtube or Tiktok, then it inspires other jackasses to follow suit.
"LOLOL that prank vid where he goes behind the counter at McDonalds and spits in the fryer is hilarious!"
"...You call trespassing and vandalism hilarious?"
A show that will forever be remembered for its:
1. Invisible guns
2. Oddly edited fight scenes
3. Removal of any death whatsoever
5. The Shadow Realm
7. Heart of the cards
Guy 1: Did you watch Yugioh last night? Marik sent his father to the Shadow Realm!
Guy 2: Really? I could have sworn he stabbed him to death...
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Literally the stupidest thing to grace the Internet. Some attention starved asshole gets the bright idea to record his/her ugly face watching a YouTube vid or, god forbid, a 20-40 minute episode of something and expects us to sit there and watch them make facial expressions or some shit. It's literally watching a video of someone watching a video! Their face takes up 80% of the screen and the thing they're watching is usually miniature and in the corner. It's a pathetic fad that needs to die very very quickly. Newsflash people: NO ONE CARES WHAT FACIAL EXPRESSIONS YOU MAKE OR WHAT STUPID SOUNDS COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU WATCH SOMETHING!
Guy 1: Hey bro, have you seen this live reaction video of the new RWBY episode?
Guy 2: Uh, no, I'd rather watch the actual episode, not some guy's ugly face.
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Where tv shows that are doing bad go to die.
I haven`t seen Grojband on the air in a while.......oh, the rest of the series was uploaded to itunes? Welp, so much for that show.
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