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Gummy Bear Album

Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear yes. Yeah, I'm a Gummy Bear yeah. Oh, I'm a Yummy, tummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear. I'm a Jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear, Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear. Oh Yeah! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

"look for the gummy bear album, available on November 13th"

by long rat shit May 15, 2020

15👍 4👎


An app filled with annoying 12-year-old girls who think they look top shit dancing in their skimpy short skirts who have the same amount of make-up as a full-blown discounted version of a circus clown. The only people who have talent on this app are:
-People who dance outside of TikTok dances
-actual good comedians. (does NOT involve the orange, blueberry, or Kandy Ken.)

someone-"do you have TikTok?"
someone-"can you follow me?"
Me-*looks at their acc and sees that they're 10 and dancing to sexually explicit songs*

by long rat shit May 15, 2020

19👍 2👎