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National grab cock day

8th of March is when girls grab our willies for bants n that

“Oh shit it’s national grab cock day what a result’

by longshlongethan February 24, 2021


Another word for drugs

“Fam where’s the fucking food?”
“Bro the endz are dry fam”

by longshlongethan October 6, 2019

1👍 2👎


Peng/Pog/Good/Bad. Anything is piff

“Bro my dog lost a leg”
“Tf bro that’s so piff”

“Your a fat bastard mate you look like Evan Howse”
“Broooo that’s so piff”

by longshlongethan December 18, 2020


Someone’s house or property

“Get down my yard cuz now “

by longshlongethan October 6, 2019