Source Code


An acronym for Original Post Original Poster. This refers to the person that made the OP (Original Post) that someone has taken a screenshot of and shared to an external website. This differentiates the person that created the original content from the person that shared it to an outside source, who is referred to as OP (Original Poster).

That's rubbish. OOP really needs to check their sources. Why did you even share this, OP?

by lovely rat kitten January 28, 2021

137👍 30👎


IHTM is an initialism for It Happened to Me. It is most commonly used by someone discussing a serious issue that he or she has come face to face with.

IHTM: My Father Committed Suicide

by lovely rat kitten September 10, 2012


An affectionate term for a rat, most usually domesticated. It has no relation to the general use of the word 'ratty' which describes a disheveled appearance.

"Aww!" Julie adoringly exclaimed as her friend's fancy rat affectionately kissed her hand, "your ratty is so cute!"

by lovely rat kitten September 10, 2012

291👍 39👎

Nilla Wafer

AAVE slang derived from a brand of sweet snack that’s similar to a vanilla wafer. It describes a light skinned Caucasian person. Depending on usage it can be said neutrally, cheekily, or condescendingly. It can have implications similar to the slang “vanilla wafer” referring to a person who is unadventurous. In that context “nilla wafer” suggests a person has little exposure to cultural media, customs, and cuisine outside of their white racial experiences.

“I saw her on that show where she was booty shaking and trying to rap. I was like, ‘Okay, nilla wafer.’”

by lovely rat kitten September 30, 2022