Source Code


coop whilst laughing at Dimebag Darrels death. coop is an ass!

jon: dimebag's dead
coop: ha ha ha
brookstar: coop u iz gonna get banged!
loz: Coop you is a fool! Coop has no willy!
*whole class cracks up*
Coop: *shits pants for sixth time*

by loz spencer December 14, 2004

6👍 46👎


the official hardman who is hard and wears no bag... meaning he is hard

brookstar: yo yo look at me i got no bag
coop: me too
brookstar: *bangs coop* no...
coop: *shits pants on way to nurses office*
nurse: u have a serious contagious bowel problem
kiddies: oh no *runs away*

by loz spencer December 14, 2004

8👍 8👎