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jimmy takeover

a jimmy takeover happens when your having a conversation and jimmy takes over

“hey omg did you see the new star wars movie??”
“omg yes it was so good!”
“what was your favorite part?”

by lucyiscoo1 May 4, 2021

4👍 1👎

what the f- i’m sorry for my language but what the f is this

for when you see a bloody mcdonald’s burger

*opens mcdonald’s burger wrapper”
“what the f- i’m sorry for my language but what the f is this”

by lucyiscoo1 May 7, 2021

6👍 2👎

lucy harms

sister of taite harms.

“who is that”
“that’s lucy harms”
“taites harms sister”

by lucyiscoo1 March 23, 2021

1👍 1👎


the coolest twitter user ever

“ omg did you see what clairolauv twitter”
“ yes omg they are so cool”

by lucyiscoo1 May 14, 2021

2👍 1👎

intermission poop

When you’re asked to take a break from pooping a massive load so someone else can use the bathroom and then coming back to resume your poop.

“can you hurry up??”
“im pooping”
“then take an intermission poop”

by lucyiscoo1 May 7, 2021

it do be a nice day tho

taite harms phrase

“it do be a nice day tho”

by lucyiscoo1 May 7, 2021