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where your dreams never come true. its full of lost hope. if your not leaving after high school im sure your not going to. the roads suck, ever inch you go is another pot hole. it has the highest drop out rate around. every month another teen girl is pregnant. if your from here you know whittenton and east taunton kids never got along , and probably never will. you know everyones looking foward to go to the Portuguese feasts. there soo called gangs , cause kids have no life. Everyone dreads going to Morton when something happens they rather drive to Brockton. All people every think about is how to get high next. Or who there robbing to get money. Kids talk like they were raised by a bunch of money e.x "yoo dogg what the ______ good my _____ ."
No one can mind there business , its like whos life can we ruin next.


by mOney on my MinD July 11, 2008

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