Source Code


A totally coull way to give someone a kiss, when you can't any other way. Seriously. Give it a try. No joke.

Good times to use 'mwah' include, but are not limited to:
> when you're online
> while sms-ing.
> when you're on the phone
> while playing tennis
> while practicing tenor saxophone
> while having lunch
> whilst listening to music:
> classical
> rock
> indie
> house
> metal
> jazz
> opera
> ...
> when on a plane
> when carrying fruit
> whilst jumping
> when eating a muffin
> when under arrest
> when climbing a mountain
> when having dinner with the queen

Yup. Those are pretty much the best times to use it. But it works fairly well the rest of the time, too.

Hey hottlebot... MWAH!
Um.... try.... mwah.
One mwah for you!
Got mwah?
Get 'mwah-ed'!

by m_d_coolguy August 23, 2006

47👍 1066👎


A totally coull way to give someone a kiss, when you can't any other way. Seriously. Give it a try. No joke.

Good times to use 'mwah' include, but are not limited to:
> when you're online
> while sms-ing.
> when you're on the phone
> while playing tennis
> while practicing tenor saxophone
> while having lunch
> whilst listening to music:
>>> classical
>>> rock
>>> indie
>>> house
>>> metal
>>> jazz
>>> opera
>>> ...
> when on a plane
>>> with snakes
>>> without snakes
>> ...
> when carrying fruit
> whilst jumping
> when eating a muffin
> when under arrest
> when climbing a mountain
> when having dinner with the queen

Yup. Those are pretty much the best times to use it. But it works fairly well the rest of the time, too.

Hey hottlebot... MWAH!
Um.... try.... mwah.
One mwah for you!
Got mwah?
Get 'mwah-ed'!

by m_d_coolguy September 2, 2006

45👍 1067👎