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Some lazy ass guy.
phonetic German "Faulenzer"

You're such a phawkin phowlancer, dude!

by macist February 23, 2005

1👍 3👎


schwrr s anthr wrd fr krstn.

m gs lk: "krst y r sch schwrr..."
krstn gs lk: "f shzzl m nzzl!!"

by macist February 8, 2005

1👍 4👎


The missing noun for something fucking spectacular.

Dude, there was spectacularity present, dude!

by macist February 13, 2005

7👍 2👎


A polite way of saying "phukk".

Gee w00t tis phawkin n00b si teh ghey shice!!!11!1

by macist February 6, 2005

17👍 4👎


an (mostly internet-) connection that really sucks.

Dude, cuntnexxian imminent, dude!!11!1 Me like gonna phawk teh ISP, rite?

by macist February 15, 2005

teh f0kk

1337 short form for "what the fuck"

Alice: "Dude, Bush won teh lexxianz..."
Bob: "...teH f0kK??!"

by macist February 16, 2005

13👍 1👎