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Victoria is a truly fucking amazing, hard-core, MAD BITCH. There is no bitch on the planet as MAD as she is, she is the kinda person that will actually wear a really thick jacket to the shop on a sunny day and sweat the entire time without a single fuck. Victoria is the kindest and most caring friend on the entire planet, she will literally pace the floor with excitement whenever she sees her friends because she is so gassed. Victoria is a and angel and a proper bouji bitch. Victoria is an actual ray of sunshine with the most incredible hair and fashion sense you have ever seen, she walks into any coffee shop and everyone wants to be her friend because she's such a queen. Don't ever piss Victoria off though, especially in the workplace because her bluntness will SLAPPPPP YOU, especially if you piss her in. You can rely on Victoria to be up for the jokes whenever you want if you just give her a sweet sweet smile because she is literally the best ever and all she ever wants is jokes. Victoria is actually the best.

Victoria is a mad bouji bitch

by madbanks November 12, 2021

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