When you look at your past schoolwork/use Google to help you on a test or anything to do with school. It's not cheating.
Person 1: Why are you looking up the answers? That's cheating!
Person 2: I'm just using my resources!
Person 1: Oh, you're right!
Person 2: You should be using your resources too.
An awesome fabric company that carries a large selection of high-quality fabrics. Their Ecoshag faux fur is well known for the use of fursuit making.
BigZFabric is a great fabric company.
The ash that falls from the sky from all the fires constantly going on in California.
Person 1: Do you see all the ash falling? There must be a big fire!
Person 2: Yeah! You mean California snow?
A saying that was commonly used in the news during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when talking about people debating about the use and effectiveness of masks. However, the word sounds like "masturbate".
News Anchor: "The great mask debate is raging on..."
Person watching the news: "What the fuck did they just say?"