A mini trampoline that provides low impact cardio workout while bouncing.
urban rebounderrejuvinating workout FUN
Unwittingly making a clapping sound with your butt cheeks while exercising.
My buttclapping was so loud while I did my rebounder workout!
Short for anger management.
He should go for angerment sessions.
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Evolution of the thumb, the digit will become longer due to texting skills. Future generations will have an advantage when texting.
Your textthumb can reach all the letters quickly.
This skill will be inherited. Contests will be held for the dexterity & speed of the textors
When you click the mouse before you want to or an uncontrollable tick that clicks on something you didn't want
I was scrolling along when my finger clicked the mouse in a place I didn't choose. Sometimes my index finger double clicks when it shouldn't or clicks prematurely. This is premature clickation
I would like to challenge Michelle Obama to a hula hoop competition cause I'm a hoople from way back
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East coast pronunciation for a piece of paper that gives you money off a product you're buying
coupon used a q-pon at the store today
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