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pulled a Checkers

Indulged in maudlin, self serving self pity on TV ( or anywhere else for that matter)- as in Tricky Dick Nixon's famous "Checkers" speech-(check it out- it was priceless!- and timeless).

Mom pulled a Checkers when nobody would eat her tuna casserole. The candidate pulled a Checkers on national TV when he was beaten by Stephen Colbert.

by magill March 22, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun: A word coined by writer and journalist H.L. Mencken and still widely used today - see Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert et al.- a combo of the words bourgeoisie and boob, meaning the social class between the aristocracy and the plebes; the Great Middle Class; a "Cross Section of the American Public". In this slang form the divisions are more often mental than monetary .

You belong to the Booboisie if: 1.You believe anything told to you by a politician. 2. you watch Oprah. 3. You have ever googled Britney or Paris. 4. You think the theory of evolution is a fallacy promoted by godless liberals and homosexuals. 5. You wear garments with other peoples names and initials on them (see Louis Vuitton, Vans, Sean John, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfigger, etc.) and think this makes you look cool, when you are actually a walking billboard. 6. You text your picks to "American Idol". 7. You don't think Global Warming is a problem. ...Oh, and so much more..

by magill March 25, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The inane, quarter-witted, puerile and illiterate speech of Dubya, aka Bush II, which one could call stupid if that weren't an insult to stupid people. This invariably causes flinching, groaning, cursing, and the destruction of remote control devices and even TV sets by poor slobs caught unaware by random broadcasts. 2. Any such speech by others, esp. politicians.

The Dubyadayada from the press conference made me throw my lava lamp through the TV screen and scream "aarrrgh"!

by magill March 21, 2008

121๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž