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nigga rehab

when one decides to actively reject the n-word from their vocabulary for a multitude of specific reasons, (i.e. religious, family oriented, racial politics, being white and getting a reality check.)

person 1: ay nigga whassup, you got dat loud?
person 2: yo, cool it, i'm on nigga rehab.
person 1: why doe...
person 2: baby mama got a family function in like 3 days, and there's gonna be hella kids runnin round. i ain't tryin' to corrupt the lil young'ns with my foul ass mouth, that's not a good look.
person 1: aight aight. why you going to yo girl's family function, that's soft shit doe.
person 2: they got sweet baby rays.
person 1: word? lemme tag along, just say i'm your cousin or sum.
person 2: you for real whodi? hell the fuck no.

by mahmoud ahmathizznejad April 30, 2012

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