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the sexiest person there is super-model beautiful, she is tricky though she puts up a wall and its strong so no one can knock it down. she is strong, independent is a bitch to assholes (or boys she likes) she wont let anyone see her cry but is dying on the inside. she has a tight nit group of friends who she loves but they all have there own problems but they help each other out. she is anorexic skinny and when someone pisses her of she goes full on bitch mode and will get the best comebacks every boy wants to date her her friends are all jealous of her body and beauty. when she is older she will still look beautiful she is secretly the most kind hearted person in her group even though everyone thinks its the other one in the group you want a Maggie in your life!

Maggie is the bravest person i know

by makayla ecerson June 10, 2013

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