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Just hang out with them cause they are flipping sexy. They are always there for you and will help you on stuff like love. Somo are known to be show off and love to flex their big muscles, so if your looking for a boyfriend, you will never be rejected by him

look at somo

by man like the bro November 13, 2019


Kristina are rude, ugly girls who waffle for no reason. They are friends with people named with L and J. They have only two friends who are even fake friends so they no friends at all (sad). Don't hang out with them cause they are nonce and they are some of the flat girls who have no cures like all girls. They are big snitches who tell you of no reason. They like boys with jaw line and name begging with S (cause they are amazing).

Kristina is such snitches

by man like the bro November 25, 2019


A girl who can't stop talking and loves boys name with S and R. They are such VSCO girls and are very ugly. Always have 3 siblings who are sexy and good looking with big butt and boobs.

endu stop it

by man like the bro November 13, 2019