Source Code


webpage not at this address.
From internet error 404 - File Not Found

You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
This page is not here.

by mandingoe April 30, 2004

79πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


God's frozen people

The WASPs at the club drink martinis by the tub.

by mandingoe May 23, 2004

35πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


if I told you I'd have to kill you. No, really. Double secret confidential.

What's in that file cabinet marked IITYIHTKY?

If I told you I'd have to kill you.

by mandingoe October 9, 2004

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

green tea

Green tea is the new aloe.
Green tea can cure cancer, lupus, shingles, and hemroids.

Barberess at Hairkuttery: Would you like the tea tree shampoo?
Contra-Dictionarian: What's that?
Barberess at Hairkuttery: Green tea is the new aloe.
Contra-Dictionarian: Sweet - maybe that will cure my crabs.

by mandingoe April 8, 2006

265πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

beat like a red headed step child

a tired simile meaning to beat badly. A fresher phrase would be to "beat like a fat kid stealing lunches"

The prosecutors got beat like a fat kid stealing lunches.

by mandingoe June 6, 2004

28πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

civil liberties

Civil liberties are protections from the power of governments. Examples include:
* freedom of speech,
* freedom of the press,
* freedom of assembly,
* freedom of unwarranted searches by the government,
* trial by jury, and even
* freedom to own an AK.

That's OK, you can have my civil liberties Mr. Ashcroft. I wasn't using them anyway. At least I still have my AK.

by mandingoe August 5, 2004

71πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

tit in a wringer

upset; pissed off

Usage note: Can be applied to either sex, manboobs not withstanding.

annoyance ranking:
* pissed off
* tit in a wringer
* pissy
* ticked off
* undies in a bundle
* bent out of shape
* peaved
* miffed (agitated and fey)

Rush: It really gets my tit in a wringer when feminazis claim that date rape accounts for over 75% of all sexual assault.

by mandingoe October 11, 2005

28πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž