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This typical boy is not like many. In fact he is far from others. Usually brown
hair, brown eyes, athletic, tall and very very handsome. He is known to have and
incredibly large penis and is very sexual but only in his mind. He is a very good
listener and can easily joke around. He can play alot of sports naturally and mostly
likes very athletic and/or pretty girls. He is not very picky and can easily be
persuaded. His favorite colors are mostly like orange, green, red, or yellow. The
sports he plays are mostly soccer, basketball or volley-ball. He can grow
mostly up to 6 feet and when he finds something special, he holds on to it or else
he gets his heart broken. Very attractive and sweet, kind, generous and caring man
but watch out, around different people he will be different.

WOW hes perfect he must be a Zachary!

by mandzach4ever February 7, 2010

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