The meaning of obscuber is when you're trying to say something that's neat or cool but it's another for it
That's a good way to put away wine in a obscuber way
A pizza that is left out in the sun or in a pizza restaurant for 7 years to the point where the pizza is so raw and rotten that is simply turned into pure food dust.
Dang that's some freaking Pizza dust.
a dimbrain is when someone who has a nut or bolt in their brain from being really stupid or just being a
you dimbrain that's not what youre supposed to do.
when you are mad at some one or you are mad at people on tv or you just hit yourself on a part of furniture and the words f*cking anus crime
come on man , damn , f*cking anus crime!
obleck: obleck meaning awkward or laughoutloud or funnily awkward
when you say something funny but it's awkward , obleck
When food has left out for 7 to 8 years and has become so rotten and so raw that it has simply turned into dust but not for dust but dust of food whether that's any food in the world.
Wow that food is so old it's food dust.