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thank you so much for to playing my game

the line mario says at the end of super Mario 64

player: alright! i just beat super mario 64!

mario from the end screen: thank you so much for to playing my game

player: what

by mariofeds December 29, 2022

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


"normie" is a word commonly used by those who frequent niche internet sites and have very little social lives. other definitions present on this site regarding this word are written by these people. the common definition of "normie" to these people is:

someone who rightfully gets offended or feels uncomfortable when hearing jokes with racist, homophobic or other ""dark"" themes.

someone who's taste they personally disagree with, (usually popular music artists or mainstream games)

someone who is ignorant towards "meme culture" which is ironic since humor is inherently subjective

these people use this word as a common way to feel superior to others and to stroke their own egos, the places you will see this word most are reddit, where if you go against the "hive mind" you'll likely be seen as a normie. along with 4chan where people are very fond of gatekeeping and overall just insufferable assholes. if you see someone using this word you should realize that their opinions are probably "red pilled" (aka the most dogshit takes you've ever heard on any piece of media or political ideology) and they probably do not have a job or functional life outside of their online space.

person A: lol look at this fucking guy, he supports lgbt rights, what a fucking normie

person b: dude, shut the fuck up and get a fucking job

by mariofeds August 8, 2024

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


"normie" is a word commonly used by those who frequent niche internet sites and have very little social lives. other definitions present on this site regarding this word are written by these people. the common definition of "normie" to these people is:

someone who rightfully gets offended or feels uncomfortable when hearing jokes with racist, homophobic or other ""dark"" themes.

someone who's taste they personally disagree with, (usually popular music artists or mainstream games)

someone who is ignorant towards "meme culture" which is ironic since humor is inherently subjective

these people use this word as a common way to feel superior to others and to stroke their own egos, the places you will see this word most are reddit, where if you go against the "hive mind" you'll likely be seen as a normie. along with 4chan where people are very fond of gatekeeping and overall just insufferable assholes. if you see someone using this word you should realize that their opinions are probably "red pilled" (aka the most dogshit takes you've ever heard on any piece of media or political ideology) and they probably do not have a job or functional life outside of their online space.

person A: lol look at this fucking guy, he supports lgbt rights, what a fucking normie

person b: dude, shut the fuck up and get a fucking job

by mariofeds August 8, 2024

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


"normie" is a word commonly used by those who frequent niche internet sites and have very little social lives. other definitions present on this site regarding this word are written by these people. the common definition of "normie" to these people is:

someone who rightfully gets offended or feels uncomfortable when hearing jokes with racist, homophobic or other ""dark"" themes.

someone who's taste they personally disagree with, (usually popular music artists or mainstream games)

someone who is ignorant towards "meme culture" which is ironic since humor is inherently subjective

these people use this word as a common way to feel superior to others and to stroke their own egos, the places you will see this word most are reddit, where if you go against the "hive mind" you'll likely be seen as a normie. along with 4chan where people are very fond of gatekeeping and overall just insufferable assholes. if you see someone using this word you should realize that their opinions are probably "red pilled" (aka the most dogshit takes you've ever heard on any piece of media or political ideology) and they probably do not have a job or functional life outside of their online space.

person A: god that guy got offended when i said n****r, i was only joking, what a fucking normie


by mariofeds August 8, 2024

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an acronym for "new general catalogue" which is a list of objects in space such as galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, etc

the crab nebula is listed as M1 in the messier catalogue, but it is listed as NGC 1952 in the new general catalogue

by mariofeds March 16, 2021

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a normal person who just happens to use reddit

redditors aren't neckbearded virgins, they're normal people, geez

by mariofeds June 9, 2021

104πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

jiyuu no tsubasa

the name of the song in the second attack on titan opening. one of the best openings of all time

Guy1: hey, which is better? guren no yumina or jiyuu no tsubasa?
Guy2: i would say... jiyuu no tsubasa

by mariofeds March 11, 2021