1. Women's basketball.
2. The mouth, vagina, and anus of a slut.
1.After the four lesbian(or bisexual) chicks played a game of slut hoops, they all went back to the locker room to play with each other's slut hoops.
2.What do Louisiana Tech University and Nick D have in common?
They are both really good at slut hoops.
Mark H. Jazzing up slang vocabularies on UD since February 2004.
53π 11π
It doesn't just have to be semen, it can be any liquid or powdered substance. Salt, pepper, sugar, hot sauce, anything goes.
The USMC drill sergeant has just woken up an oversleeping cadet by setting off the Lagasse alarm, throwing pepper on the man's face.
"BAM! Wake up, maggot! Just who the hell do you think you are? Rip Van Winkle? Get up, take a shower, dress up, and catch your sorry carcass up with the rest of the others who are apparently better evolved primates than you are! Yeah!"
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An interjection used to exclaim surprise or astonishment. Has redneck-ish (and even sexual)connotations and is perhaps used mainly in rural America. Also known to be occasionally used by the Looney Toons cartoon character Yosemite Sam.
*at a small ranch in West Texas*
Jim Bob: Welp. Time to git down ta bizness an' work the ol' cow.
*suddenly sees two large overweight trespassing strangers doing something "suspicious" to one of his pigs*
Jim Bob: *gasps* Great horny toads, what in the Sam Hill h've you sum bitches bin doin' to mah prize hog!
Mark H. Proud Urban Dictionary Slang Author since February 2004.
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Exaggerative slang term for a metric shitload of weed(marijuana).
1. "Well here it is. My new ginormous 2000-liter bong that I bought at the local pawn shop yesterday."
"Whoaly shit dogg! Looks like you can fit half of Mexico in that thing!"
2. (scene from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)
D.A.: Do you know who you're fucking with here? I'll have your badge you moron!
Cop 1: Shut up! You found anything back there? (Cop 2 is checking out the boot of the D.A.'s car.)
Cop 2: Found anything? He's got half of
Mexico in here! Must be two tons of Mary here!
D.A.: What? But... but I've never seen... how could it have...?
Cop 1: Eloquent defence you got there, buddy.
(source: GameFaqs.com GTA San Andreas game script)
Mark H. Contributing to the drug abuser's slang vocabulary since February 2004.
14π 12π
To be possessing an incredibly humongous and meaty penis that is also complete with rather large testicles behind it.
If you have ever played the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and have also have played the part where you(as Tommy Vercetti) get to run a porn film studio, you may also remember this quote from the porn film director(when he talks to the female porn star Candy Suxxx) you were working with:
"Oh COME ON darling! He's hung like a sperm whale for pity's sake, how can you not feel the part?!"
Mark H. Contributing to the universal English sexual slang vocabulary on UrbanDictionary since February 2004.
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What you might get to have in your car if you are too dirt cheap to afford a real car stereo. It may consist of either:
A). You or someone else in your car keeping(or at least trying to keep) everyone entertained by singing songs and/or making "music" by making sounds with your mouth and tapping and banging on objects with your limbs.
B). Having an entire band of musicians in your vehicle playing for you(particularly if they are not playing electronic instruments). This is a more logical alternative if you're driving a vehicle with enough room, like say a van, or a large truck.
Optional: Both methods can also be accompanied by having a Mexican subwoofer along.
Ex 1: FFS, man someone tell that Mexican car stereo back there to shut up!! I'm trying to enjoy our new system here!
Ex 2:
Doug: Now what, Wayne? How are we supposed to enjoy our trip on the open road now that the fucking border cops have found our Mexican car stereo and dumped 'em all in the Rio along with all their mariachi gear?
Truck Driver: No worries, Doug, at least we've got a little somethin' for ya to play an equally pleasing tune on. *unzips pants*
Doug: Awwww yeah. *goes down on truck driver's lap*
Mark H. Bringing you more funny defs since February 2004.
25π 36π
Slang term for a wheelchair, particularly a wheelchair that is used by an extremely fat and overweight person. The term has absolutely nothing to do with those ox-driven wagons that farmers in the old days used to haul grain and stuff.
1. Last night while I was at the strip club, I saved this one stripper from becoming a stripper in hell, by running up to her rich fatass cheese hog customer, rolling his ass out of the club, and disconnecting the batteries from his ox cart, leaving him out in the street crying.
2. Ayyo ni'a, if you keep being all over that greasy shit like a Tri Delt on cake, someday you gonna be so fat that yo' legs can't even support you and you'll need an ox cart to haul yo' lard ass around!
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