Source Code

dig bick

A spoonerism of the words "big dick." The first letters of the two words are switched around the same way as in the words "tig ol bitties."

1. I've got such a dig bick, which is one of the reasons sinful ladies love me!

2. That movie really sucked dig bick.

3. My dig bick. Your tig ol bitties. Yeah we are the perfect sex couple!

by mark h July 20, 2004

200πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


When a woman masturbates while she's having her period. The word is coined from the words "masturbation" and "menstruation(i.e. when a woman has her period).

When the voyeur caught sight of the black-haired, pale-skinned goth chick lying naked and menstrubating on a towel on the floor, he immediately thought to himself, "That is one sick bitch!"

Mark H. Expanding the sexual slang vocabulary since February 2004.

by mark h October 10, 2004

78πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

big john

A man's penis(a rather large one in particular).

(Antonym: slim jim)

Hey girl, wanna come here and suck my Big John?

by mark h February 24, 2004

101πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

frapping the ccino

Yet another one of the many euphemisms for "anal sex," particularly anal sex that involves a man ejaculating his prostate pudding down his partner's Hershey Highway after fucking her/him real good. The origin of this term is the implication that the resulting shit/semen mixture would closely resemble the frappuccino drink sold at Starbucks coffee.

When Jason, a former student and basketball player at St. John's University got arrested and sent upstate for soliciting prostitution, his life was made a living hell as he struggled and every day against a ginormous 400-pound black cell mate, who kept trying (successfully) to frap his ccino all night long 24/7.

Mark H. Frapping UrbanDictionary's ccino with my slang vocabulary since February 2k4.

by mark h April 2, 2005

25πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

swamp hog

An extremely fat or obese woman with a very VERY hairy pubic area and with as The Doctor said, a beaver barrier. This term is best used to describe this type of fat woman when she's naked or almost naked.

Biologist/Zoologist Dr. Michael Hein and his group of 4 scientists were out exploring and studying the wildlife around the muddy banks and swampy areas of the Amazon River in South America, when he and his team were suddenly ambushed, attacked, and raped by a band of native swamp hogs.

Mark H. Contributing to Urban Dictionary since February 2004.

by mark h October 1, 2004

34πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Having large breasts; well-endowed.

Dayum you are boomin, girl!

by mark h August 4, 2004

6πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


"Drunk off our asses." IE being under the influence of too much alcohol.

*belch* Shit, man how are we supposed to get home when we are so DOOA?

by mark h March 16, 2004

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž