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A girl or woman with a large amount of pubic hair.

"Shit man, that girl was a fucking amazonian!"

Person 1 : "Hey mate, I hear your girl-friend is an amazonian"

Person 2 : "Shut up!"

by marleychills February 27, 2010

24👍 135👎

Scrot Lips

Someone, that has unluckily been chosen to be "teabagged" as a pratical joke by one of their friends. The teabagging does not fully take place, yet the balls just rest of their lips.

"Teabag him!"

*Teabagging comences*

*door slams shut and tebagging ceases*

"Man your balls were just on his lips! Scrot Lips!"

by marleychills February 27, 2010

9👍 2👎