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Someone who litters; esp. those named rohan

Rohan is such a litterer.

by matkins November 11, 2004

20👍 9👎


Worthy of being placed into one's AIM profile

(22:38:43) doris: lol that was pfable

by matkins November 10, 2004

11👍 1👎


A litterer: Someone who litters; esp. those named rohan

Rohan is such a litterbug.

by matkins November 12, 2004

30👍 19👎


The state of having been inserted into one's AIM profile.

I just pfed our convo.

by matkins November 13, 2004

10👍 4👎


laughing outlandishly out loud

lool... that is soo funny.

by matkins November 10, 2004

678👍 359👎


someone who repetitively uses the word freakin, in an attempt to overtake the current world record holder, a 425-year-old Dutch man by the name of Willebrord Snell. furthermore, such a person regularly confuses seagulls with ducks.

"Taneen, the next time you say freakin, I'm going to deduct 10% of your grade"
-Mr. O.

by matkins March 16, 2005

25👍 16👎


A process a team of individuals undergo to get back at a certain Timothy Q. Mouse for getting a higher grade on an essay he practically copied. To date, most attempts have been unsuccessful, although they have produced good laughter.

Let's plan the extimination.
Is it time for the extimination?
Do you think Mrs. Cavazzi would notice if I leave the word extiminate in my sonnet?

by matkins March 23, 2004

13👍 5👎