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Sleepy Steamer

This term commonly involves some variation on the act of defecating on a chest of a sleeping lover as a means of revenge...or extreme love.

Mark could not contain his love for Mary. So he left a "sleepy steamer" on her chest while she was sleeping.

by max j September 12, 2014

1👍 1👎

sharpie marker

1. An incredibly useful permanent marker, known also as a Sharpie.

2. What you award to someone (or yourself) after a differently lame story. Used among architecture students instead of a one, ten, or twenty dollar bill. Intended to simultaneously add interest to the story and mock the storyteller.

... So then after work, I got in my car and went to the gas station. I didn't want to get out because it was raining, but I did anyway. So then I pumped my gas and got back on the highway and headed home...

And then you found a sharpie marker.

by max j July 2, 2005

12👍 2👎

quick like bunny

Very or somewhat fast.
Pretending to be very fast to get a friend to do something for you.

Hey, can you drive me to the mall? I have a few things to pick up, but I'll be quick like bunny, I promise.

by max j June 28, 2005

30👍 10👎