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by mcgullivan November 21, 2024


To be a Zionist, you must acknowledge the historical, archeological, and genetic undeniable fact - that Jewish people are an indigenous people who originate from Judea (Now called Israel) and not just a religion that you can leave. Therefore believing - that Jews, who were kicked out of Israel over the ages, can come back to their ancestral homeland.
Zionism has nothing to do with the Government of Israel or the plight of Palestinians under the current government of Israel. In fact, many Zionists in Israel and abroad disagree with the treatment of Palestinians.

I believe that Jews have the right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland - therefore I'm a Zionist.

by mcgullivan March 24, 2022

3448👍 3225👎


Something full of heart. Heartfelt.

Did you hear that song? It was so hartzig.
This music is too fast, play something hartzig.

by mcgullivan July 19, 2022