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Tiktok Kid

Kids that get all their cultural info and connections from others via TikTok, whether it's singing a stupid ass song they got from TikTok that they believe is top chart worthy, or if it's their memes they find funny that people of higher intelligence understand but believe its immature. People that have the retardation of being a TikTok Kid are usually really depressed because they are lonely and have a weird sense of humor only they can laugh at. Ever heard the phrase, Tiktok ruined that kid's sense of humor. Tiktok kids always be laughing at shit that's weird and boring as fuck. Laugh at it and show you overly circulated memes, meaning memes that thousands of other tiktokers have reposted. Synomyns for this would be, an immature person that looks stupid, a fortnite kid, special needs individual, or a kid that is anti-social, follows herd mentality most of the time. Tiktok kids will usually believe anything or agree with anything an influencer says. The devious lick made people look soo stupid, OMG he squirted soap onto his hands and then shoved it into his pocket! SOOOOOO FUNNY am i right, thats me being sarcastic if you werent aware of that! (((STOP BEING A TIKTOK KID!, GET BACK TO INSTAGRAM FOR MEMES AND HUMOR AND FOLLOW @meanhobo on INSTAGRAM for real humor and to become social again and less depressed!!!!)))

(group of tiktok kids dancing to a TikTok song)

Me : "You guys are such tiktok kids." (then mocking them in a bulling way)

by meanhobo October 11, 2021

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