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scene kids

Scene kids are a group of mindless idiots that are an exact replica of one another, whether they want to believe it or not. A majority of them come from wealthy families and most of them used to be preppy before the whole scene came about. They'll call themselves hardcore, yet if you tried to ask them hardcore means they couldn't give you an answer. Most of them are self absorbed and wouldn't dare to talk to anyone outside the scene. They all have shitty taste in music and favors a lame, no talented band that no one's ever heard of. They can't think for themselves. Music is their life, only because they don't have a life. They often live their life by lyrics. You ain't scene without the skinny jeans, white studded belt, dumb ass lip piercings, and nappy mullets. It's pretty typical for them to get stupid tattoos that they'll probably regret in 5 years. They like to give themselves nicknames like BaileyBrutal or MandyMassacre that don't apply to them. Most will claim to be bisexual. A lot of them claim to be gangster but since when did hardcore and gangster go together? The girls believe that one day they will be famous..on the internet. They wear make up like beetle juice and try look 80's ish...even though the 80's have been wiped out for over 20 years. They all think they're photographers only cause they can take a picture of themselves. Most of them convert back to their preppy ways after being tired of trying so hard. Luckily the fad is fading fast.

ME: Look at all those dumb fucks, do they look stupid or what?

SCENE KIDS: OHH EMM GEEEEE!!! Don't judge me. RAWR! I'm just trying to figure myself out.

by megan8312 February 14, 2011

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