Not Aaniya. Not Ananya. Not Anaya. Not Alia.
Aanya has Russian and Indian roots and it origins from Hebrew, Persian and Hindi.
It is a name of goddess Durga, and also means Inexhaustible.
Aanya's parents probably thought it was a unique name when they named her. So did all the other 500000000 people who named their kid that.
Do not piss Aanya off. Aanya may be under 5 ft but she WILL kill you.
If Aanya is your relative count yourself lucky.
If Aanya is mean to you she probably is madly in love with you, or wants to kill your entire family.
Once a guy spoke shit about Aanya. He died.
Once a girl tried to take credit for Aanya's work. She died.
Aanya WILL win and she will kill everyone who stops her from doing so.
Ever since I met Aanya my life has become ten times better.
Aanya deserves to be president.
I wish I was Aanya.