A retrosexual is a possibly, or likely even, male consumer who chooses clothes and accesories that have stood the test of time, and usually regards ironing as a waste of good book reading time. They are usually oblivious to current jargon and slang.
What have you got there John?
Why Jennifer, its my 1998 Apple Newton 2100 PDA. I bought it on eBay last week, just so I could read ebooks from Project Gutenberg more easily on the bus. You know, it has the biggest screen of any PDA, and it comes with a sled to use ordinary AA rechargeable batteries! This means those weirdly shaped batteries in your phone or Palm that won't be made in seven years time are no longer a problem. And it can read my handwriting!
Well, whatever. It sure goes well with that op shop suede jacket. And I bet you don't even know what a retrosexual is?
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