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Menardo is the gayest person around. He has a girlfriend but is secretly gay even tho people know. He is really short and annoying. He also does annoying things for comedy.

Whoรขย€ย™s gay? Menardo is.

by menardo September 16, 2023


The act of being so drunk you cant stand up or talk.

Look at that guy, he's all stumblefuck.

by menardo April 2, 2003

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun or adjective:

Person who wears a mullet or a wifebeater;
Person that makes shady deals;
Person with shifty eyes;
Bum, Northern Redneck;
Person lacking proper etiquette;
Unkempt, greasy;

Watch Sleen park his car, its the funniest shit. Dude has no reverse so he goes Flintstone style to back into his parking space! What a dirty.

Damn them tacos are dirty!

by menardo April 2, 2003

9๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž