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(N) A SPAM message that has been posted in a realtime chatroom by someone (usually a guest to that chatroom) that advertises another chatroom.

1. "I heard that wolfgurl325 got banned from #NarutoWorldRP for posting a spamvertisement."

by meowfox of doom January 14, 2007

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

fretchy syndrome

(noun) The after-effect when one plays Guitar Hero for a prolonged period of time, the result of which is that for a few minutes after playing stops, everything seen appears to strech vertically outward. This is most likely caused by long hours staring at the fret board onscreen needed to see which notes to play.

After Trogdor-Cat and Bob pulled an all-nighter playing Guitar Hero II against each other, they both experienced severe attacks of fretchy syndrome.

by meowfox of doom April 4, 2007


The equivalent of bullshit, any sort of unwanted images, spam, or memes from 4chan's /b/ board.

"I'm going to block you if you don't stop sending me all this /b/shit!"

by meowfox of doom June 13, 2007

23πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


Anything but music television.

During the summer I did nothing but watch MTV for a week.
I saw about 15 music videos.
in the entire week.

by meowfox of doom April 4, 2007

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A word generally used by members of deviantART to describe their thumbnail or artwork when it shows up as a plain grey box instead of their picture.

1. "Man, the servers must be on the fritz, all of my thumbs in #thumbshare are showing up borked!"

by meowfox of doom January 14, 2007

14πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž


(N), A sense of additude or toughness eminating from one's buttock region.

"DAMN, would you look at the way she walks, she's just got assitude all over!"

by meowfox of doom January 21, 2007

10πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Bam Margera

(noun: doofus domesticus)
Bam Margera is a 27 year old (as of 2007) is a professional skateboarder, tv personality (as seen on his show on MTV, Viva La Bam), and overall loser.

As far as we know he has:
a) no real job (if it weren't for the sponsors and his parents he'd be living in a box)
b) no college education
c) barely any high school education (he dropped out because his friend literally smeared his crap on school property and got expelled; Bam did not recieve a high school diploma and to take a test to recieve his GED, under his parents' request.
d) no manners
e) no self-sufficiency skills whatsoever
f) the same goes for common sense
g) up until recently he has been living with his parents, his fat uncle, and his deadbeat friends. He will most likely continue living while freeloading off of his new wife, Melissa Rothstein (let's see how long she survives...)

Dear god, save us.
Let's hope this guy wins a darwin award.

When the majority of mankind is feeling down, as if nothing on earth could be less evolved, it watches Bam Margera to make itself feel better.

by meowfox of doom April 4, 2007

48πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž