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The world needs more people like C-WEE-NUH!

By default she’s looked at as someone’s least favorite because of her design, she’s pretty and has character and intelligence, can’t go wrong unless you’re a jealous person! If there were more people like her the world wouldn’t exist the same.

C-WEE-NUH, have you heard of her? She’s the best friend, mom, dad, cousin whatever relation you have to her, you’d never have a day of regret about anything having to do with her! Get yourself one of her because she’s the best!

by mgnlvsy0o July 11, 2024



She is the flame 🔥 to your candle

🕯️ the wind beneath your wings 🪽 and the sunshine 🌞 in your pocket

Imma put this on urban dictionary

Get like C-WEE-NUH everyone’s super jealous of her because she’s so beautiful and smart! So start using your brain and taking more time with yourself in the shower, in fact buy yourself a shower mirror!

by mgnlvsy0o July 11, 2024