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(adj) Coined in November 2003 by Slate Magazine writer Daniel Gross. "Bushenfreude" describes pissed off yuppies, POYs, who perpetuate, "...the phenomenon whereby high-income beneficiaries of the Bush tax cuts use their windfalls to fund Democratic candidates." The word is a combo of "Bush" & the German word: "schadenfreude," which means somebody taking pleasure in someone else's pain. Many POYs hate Bush but love the benjamins his tax policies have let them keep. They express their hatred of the person who enabled them to make their money and keep it by donating it to those who want him out of the White House.

Person 1: "What it up with all these $11-cup-of-coffee-sipping, Volvo SUV driving, yuppie house-flippers who hate Bush? Don't they know that he has kept the IRS outta their koolaid for over six years?"

Person 2: "Bushenfreude, bro. They're just having too much fun shitting themselves with glee over Bush's inability to speak English clearly and also very fashionably hating everything else connected with him to see that all that bank they have now was because Bush told the IRS that their scrilla was all nunya.

by mhibma April 24, 2007

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Idiot's Convention

(n) Born behind the Redwood Curtain in Arcata CA, the Idiot's Convention is a semi-annual gathering of half-wits, nimrods, and schmendricks. Convention activities include copious drinking & puffing, too-much disc-golf, random concerts, and bowling.

Ay! Are we having an Idiot's Convention this year?

Fuckin' a we are! It'll be our 420th anniversry this year!

by mhibma August 8, 2005

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glued and clamped

(adj). To become seriously hammered to the point where you've already blacked out and are on auto-pilot.

Dude 1) Aye, what up? You're not looking so good.

Dude 2) Awwww phhhuck off, bitch. I gotta get glued and clamped just ta look at ya ugly ass. Get me anatha beer and shut da fuck up.

by mhibma March 8, 2006

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couch monkey

A person who camps out on the damn couch all the time complaining about why they can't work because of a disability, fucked up surgery, or whatever. Generally someone you have to put up to get something else.

Hey, I'm cruising by Scotty's for a sack, wanna come?

Nah, I know that John will be there...

C'mon it won't be that long...

Fuck that couch monkey. C-ya.

by mhibma April 26, 2006

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Tequila San-rise

(n.) A cocktail consisting of tequila and green-tea. This drink salutes the tequila-drinking maquiladora workers who earn their scanty pesos from Japanese-owned conglomorates to make shirts, socks, and cheap plastic crap for American consmers.

-Dude, you got anything to drink?
-Nah, just some Cuervo and some green-tea bullshit your mom left here.
-My mom, huh?
-Fuck it and fuck you, Tequila San-rise time it is then.

by mhibma July 17, 2006

washboard ass

(adj) Describes a woman's ass that is flatter than a one-sided pancake. Washboard asses are usually found on woman with a huge rack.

Dude 1-Holy crap! You see that girl down at the end of the bar? Her tits are spilling out of her shirt!

Dude 2- Yeah, I've seen 'em and they're nice but do you see her washboard ass?

by mhibma April 24, 2006

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Edifice Complex

(n.)An Edifice Complex is a serious budget-busting illness that typically manifests itself on modern college and university campuses. Soon after their inauguration, an incoming university president will frantically and feverishly fall all over themselves to relentlessly badger wealthy donors and students for the purposes of leaving a mark with their name on it on the campus by constructing a new, over-priced, prime parking lot removing, ten-story structure post-modern eyesore whose purpose is solely to house administration, their support staff, and grace the cover of university brochures and websites. Faculty and students then are given the vacated, broken down, second and third string buildings for use as classes and offices.

Friend 1) Dude, I barely made it to class on time, even though I got on campus forty minutes ago! WTF?!

Friend 2)Well, my friend, out new president's got Edifice Complex so bad he took out all the prime parking to construct another building with is name on it. And then tripled the price of a parking permit to pay for the damn thing.

Friend 1) Oh sweet Jesus crap!

by mhibma March 8, 2006

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