Source Code


a hooked shaped dick - like captain hooks hook in peter pan

that boy has a prang

by micHELLe November 2, 2003

8πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Fat, Ugly, Stupid, Naive, Sheltered. A loser who needs to get her head read. She thinks she can call people sluts just cos they have slept with someone before they are married. Just cos she is nine years old DOES NOT give her the right to insult other poeple no matter how pathetic she is.

kittengirl444 is a pathetic loser who pissed me off so much I had to stoop to her level and insult her on urban dictionary.

by micHELLe December 12, 2003

8πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


'Elitist: Slang commonly used by entry lvl music plebs and posers for a person or group of people who the certain individual envys on a high level and secretly seeks friendship and approval from, however in return recieves nothing but heartache from the unaware object of their obsession.

'pleb1: I saw the elitists at the gig and they just ignored me :(
'pleb2: Why are they so up themselves? :(
'pleb1: I dont know but i wish they'd accept my friend request...
'pleb2: Lets go bitch about them online!


'unaware 'elitist'1: Why are those people over there staring at us...?
'unaware 'elitist'2: I dont know, ive never met them before..

by micHELLe October 16, 2014

18πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A strong willed person who knows what he/she is talking about.

That Sally is so opinionated she never lets other people say what they believe in.

by micHELLe March 8, 2005

95πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž


80's rockers, for men they had the mullets, t-bird muscle cars and shirts. Ladies had the big black leather purses with the *rabbit foot key chain* the bleach blonde BIG hair with black roots. Tight TIGHT clothing.

Banger's were cool back in the day.

by micHELLe April 21, 2003

22πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


people who think they are better because of the money they have

"I have money, so you must be my friend and like me!"
"she is a classic snoob" says the doctor.

by micHELLe April 25, 2005

41πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

double stacked

Big Tits & a Big ASS

Jennifer is double stacked!

by micHELLe April 24, 2005

25πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž