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Good, kind, highly intelligent people who are the aborigine of great Britain and not from any colonial state, for example India or Pakistan as these people call them self British when they are trying to claim benefits.

The British are now second class citizens in there own courtiers mainly England, Scotland and Wales. They are also disrespected by the immigrants who came to their green and pleasant land during the 1960’s. They are still getting trodden on by there own government. Any Brit who speaks out against immigration to the little islands is promptly called thashest, racist, xenophobes, of a Nazi, but never a patriot.

The Britain is now greatly disrespected by the countries of Europe that it once sacrificed millions of innocent men and women to liberate from the Nazi occupation so I think they deserve a lot more respect.

"great briatin dont ow the world fuck all"
"Down trodden people who get disrespect from foreigners in their own country"
“Descendants of people who originally came from the British Isles”

by micheal smith June 19, 2008

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