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private school

A private school is a system which creates a two tier standard of education which perpetuates the gulf between the have and have nots.

Private schools are meant to promote choice, choice for whom? The wealthy few and the token scholarship students who end up being excluded by the snobby rich kids and developing inferiority complex.

I doubt very much whether private school kids have gone through the same experiences as comprehensive school kids. Do private school kids have to worry about money and whether they can afford to go to uni? No because daddy can pay for all that and even use their contacts to get them into the top jobs. Or to put it another way, at the very least they have one less major headache to worry about. Their biggest problem in life is probably being able to navigate their way from the west wing of their mansion to their east wing.

Despite a greater emphasis placed upon equality by the government, the old school tie network is still very much alive and kicking, which creates a cycle which repeats itself from generation to generation. Rather than equality, meritocracy, and greater opportunities for all, private school stand for inequality and benefiting the select few who were fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family.

Just ask yourself one question?
Why do so many people go from top private school's to top universities and eventually into top jobs rather than working there way to the top? Is it because private school's offer a better standard of education? or is it the ability of rich parents to buy their kids education through the amount of money they spend, thus making damn sure there getting a return.

by mig* November 17, 2006

154👍 185👎

private school

A school which rich kids attend who dont understand the value of money and which daddy gives everything to them on a plate and who believe they are intellectually superior to anybody else.

People who attend private schools are unlikely to come across many ethnic minorities or persons of a lower social class either at school or from the area they live in.

Tend to get ahead in life because of the family they were born into and life chances rather than because of merit.

employer: which school did you go to?
employee: I went to a top private school?
employer: your hired.

by mig* September 23, 2006

171👍 223👎