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n. The act of quickly checking your facebook before doing something that is probably way more important.

Usually resulting in you making dumb comments on things without thinking them out or completely misspelling your status.

Mom "C'mon son, we have to leave now!"
Son "Ma, gimme a second, i'm just facebookin'!"

by migga please May 11, 2009

34👍 8👎

Stanky Leg

n. Supposedly a dance, but it is best known as great way to embarrass yourself on the dance floor.

Also, sadly, the probable future of hip-hop.

Smart person 1 "Look at that faggot doing the stanky leg over there."
Smart person 2 "I think he's trying to fan out the smell of his stanky vag."

by migga please May 5, 2009

283👍 253👎


n. The name given to a chick's ass.

Guy "Damn girl, that thing is huge! What's its assalias?"
Girl "I call her Sheeba."

by migga please May 5, 2009