A futile attempt at processing all of life's wonders and mysteries into one, easy-to-follow dogma.
Different groups of simpletons try harder and harder to compress life into a digestible fear-furrow, the two biggest of which of Christians and Atheists, who are either extreme of the idiot scale.
Richard Dawkins readers
All Your Base Are Belong To Us
10👍 24👎
A culture based upon a music that steals partial or entire songs shamelessly, and then dubs over them with some random twat self-aggrandising or pretending they are held down in some manner or other, when in fact they are rolling in money.
Its followers can be seen posturing around British and Irish town centres, usually in gangs as they are shite at one-on-one confrontation, and too cowardly to walk alone. The hip-hop aficionado can be identified by its mangled, locally-accented appropriations of what they have heard on MTV Base. They are also almost entirely white.
Some people have had the temerity to suggest hip-hop has had credibility in music. These people, from their angled caps to their MF Doom Nikes, are liars, and, like all of hip-hop, are trying to sell you a lifestyle that you don't relate to, yet vaguely want because your life sucks, or so they'd have you believe.
Even more shameful is the claim that hip-hop sprang from reggae. This is punishable by enforced self-flagellation in civilised society.
Death to hip-hop.
Rap is crap.
20👍 41👎