Bay Shore is a hamlet (and census-designated place), located in the Town of Islip, County of Suffolk County, New York, United States. Bay Shore is surrounded by West Islip, Brightwaters, and West Bay Shore to the west, Brentwood, Baywood, and Deer Park to the north, Islip to the east, and the Great South Bay and Fire Island to the south.
The racial makeup of the hamlet: 71.99% White, 17% African American, and 7% from other races. Hispanic or Latino of any race is about 19.86% of the population.
Bay Shore is rough in the north. North Bay Shore is located next to Brentwood. The schools are rated to be one of the lowest on Long Island and isnt a good place to live. West Bay Shore is particularly nice and a decent place to live. It is surrounded by parks.
Average household size:
This place: 2.8 people
New York: 2.6 people
Percentage of family households:
This place: 67.5%
Whole state: 65.7%
Percentage of households with unmarried partners:
This place: 6.4%
Whole state: 5.4%
Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)
* Lesbian couples: 0.5% of all households
* Gay men: 0.4% of all households
Residents with income below the poverty level in 2008:
This place: 12.2%
Whole state: 14.6%
Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2008:
This place: 6.1%
Whole state: 7.4%
Bay Shore is okay in the west but rough and tough in the north
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