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a passive aggressive text from your girlfriend. (usually followed by you asking if she's ok but she lies saying that she is ok.)

You: I can't go to the party.
Gf: k.
You: r u ok?
Gf: im fine dont worry

by minecraftor0219 December 3, 2020

1👍 1👎


That one typo where in it replaces 'ass' to 'butt'. But when you type 'classic' it types it to 'clbuttic'.

Boss: That's a great move!
Worker: Well it's just clbuttic me!

by minecraftor0219 December 3, 2020

2👍 1👎


The action to unhinge your own jaw while another person emasculates you. Sometimes the action is you watching gross videos while they are all naked. It is usually done in a watching room.

Person I: I've never seen such horrible torture method!
Person II: Yeah this is morbid and inhumane!
Person III: Wait till you see someone being unhorgentled! >:)

by minecraftor0219 December 3, 2020


A place filled with ovens filled with human flesh. Usually abandoned and hard to find. A cursed placed owned by an unhorgentler.

I think I saw what was in that haunted home. I think it's an ovenhome!

by minecraftor0219 December 3, 2020

1👍 2👎