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pronounced {fi-lol-uh-jist}, from the root word Dr. Phil*
- a specialist in philology
- a person who does not listen to or understand the problems or situation at hand, but thinks they know exactly how to remedy them. They will rudely offer their advice in the form of cliché, pop-psychology sound bites and blanketed, one-size-fits-all, cookie cutter solutions.
- inexperienced author of contemporary self-help books

*Dr. Phil is a TV show hosted by a loud-mouthed, balding Phil McGraw, PhD, in which he cycles through topics and guests, superficially highlighting their struggles and offering quick-fix, psychobabble advice like "Get real."

Female 1: My kid was hollering for a toy at Target yesterday, and as I was fixin' to whoop him, the lady behind me in line tells me that I shouldn't spank my kids because it will emotionally scar them for life.

Female 2: Another philologist at work, handing out lame-duck advice. What did she expect you to do, give the kid a time out??? I bet she doesn't even have kids!

by mistresskeke June 6, 2013

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