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An adjective used to describe a person performing a pathetic act that is purely done in order to gain attention. The people that attention whore are typically lowlifes, who use sites such as Youtube as their whoring grounds.

''Jimmy posted a comment on Youtube saying that his dog had died. What an attention-whoring douchebag.''
''Tifanny intentionally dropped a tampon in class like the attention-whoring slut she is.''
''It's sad that you tried to commit suicide, but this is Youtube. Get your attention-whoring ass out of here!''

by mkpk May 31, 2018

the Bencil Sharpener

Nickname for American conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro. The nickname is commonly used when Ben Shapiro is crushing his rhetorical opponents with facts and logic; the opponent in question is then in the process of being ''sharpened by the Bencil''.

Boy 1: Hey, did you catch Ben Shapiro's debate last night?
Boy 2: Ben Sha-who-ro?
Boy 1: The Bencil Sharpener?
Boy 2: Ah, ofcourse. I missed it, but I bet the Bencil sharpened 'em good again.
Boy 1: Sure did. Wanna make out?
Boy 2: Totally.

by mkpk January 17, 2020

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Colloquial contraction of ''rap-artist''

''Anyone can rap, but if you want to be a rapist you gotta put in the work, feel me?''

by mkpk May 29, 2020

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Romanian Randy

To suck dick in exchange for a Volkswagen Golf (2004)

Boy 1: Got meself a Volkswagen Golf, 2004, yesterday. Hatta give the dealer a Romanian Randy in the back alley, but what's 5 minutes, y'know?
Boy 2: Please, sir, there are other people waiting in line.

by mkpk January 17, 2020

burger planet

A legendary streamer and fitness model, who is known for bringing other streamers such as ice poseidon to fame.

Wow, burger planet? That's the funny, fit and handsome streamer who does not prey on handicapped girls!

by mkpk May 16, 2018

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staple gun

A staple gun is a hand-held machine popularised by public figure Joe Budden. The term is often accompanied by loud yelling and disbelief, particularly directed at the person who sold the staple gun.

Where did he find a staple gun!?!
Who is the employee that sold him a staple gun!?!
First of all, I ain't seen a staple gun in thirty years.

by mkpk May 17, 2018